Rosa Alvarado
Nutrition Services
Michael Aragon
Chemistry & AP Biology Teacher/ Gifted and Talented Liaison
Brian Arndt
Media Clerk / Assistant Football Coach / JV Baseball Coach
Anthony Barela
Janice Baron
Special Education Teacher
Laura Basil
Science Teacher
Laurel Beeken
French Teacher
Logan Benavidez
Health Clerk
David Berg
Special Education Case Manager
John Bison
Campus Supervisor / Head C Team Football Coach
Sean Blackmer
Special Education Teacher/ D-Team Boys Basketball Coach
Karen Bossart
Michael Brooker
Language Arts Teacher
Leslie Brown
Athletic Administrative Assistant / Assistant Girls Golf Coach
Jeff Burianek
Assistant Volleyball Coach
Sarah Burrous
Mental Health Interventionist
Thomas Caliento
Language Arts Teacher
Jeffery Capaldi
Assistant Boys Golf Coach
Jesus Cervantes
Boys Soccer C Team Coach
Nayeli Cervantes
Family Liaison/ Deca Advisor
Luis Chavez
Head Boys & Girls Soccer Coach
Marcela Chavez
Data Secretary
Bill Clark
School Resource Officer
Heidi Cline
Special Education Teacher
Rebekah Cook
Math Teacher and Freshman Seminar Coordinator
Scotland Coyle
Assistant Football Coach
Amelia Crawford
Brian Crim
Orchestra/ Mariachi Performing Arts
Darian Crowley
Ann Dallocchio
ELL Teacher
James Davis
Head Track Coach / Assistant Football Coach
Aimee Delmontagne
ESL Teacher
Amelia Den Boer
Assistant Cheer Coach
Michael Drake
Assistant Football Coach
Scott Duckworth
Science & STEM Teacher / Head JV Girls Soccer Coach
Carlie Ekx
English Language Arts
Mayra Escobar
Nutrition Services
Chad Everhart
Campus Supervisor
Ben Everson
English Language Arts
Sara Fadenrecht
VPA- Visual Arts
Darian Finley - Garcia
Assistant Football Coach
Stacy Fox
Math Teacher
David Frick
Language Arts Teacher/ AP Instructor
Kelly Gault
Special Education Teacher
Amanda Giuliani
STEM Coordinator
Jon Glasser
Social Studies
Bryan Gonzalez
Assistant Football Coach
Alexandra Grubbs
Family Consumer Science Department Chair/ Student Council Advisor/ FCCLA Advisor/ Head Coach, Ladies Golf
Dean Haakenson
Social Studies Teacher
Jim Hallberg
Head Cross Country Coach / Assistant Track Coach
Steve Hamby
Campus Supervisor / Assistant Baseball Coach
Cindy Hamilton
Nutrition Services
Julianna Harding
Counselor (P-TECH)
Eliana Harris
Counselor (F-Man)
Sandy Heiser
Assistant Principal (Ri-Z)
Kaela Hellmann
Math Teacher
Alexandria (Lexi) Hempstead
Counselor (Ri-Z)
Laurieann Henderson
Assistant Principal (F-Man)
Joseph Hite
Science Teacher
Kenneth Howe
Allison Howlett
Assistant Cross Country Coach/Paraprofessional
Shawn Jaworski
Language Arts Teacher
Alejandra Jimenez
Spanish Teacher
Carlyne Johnson
Family and Consumer Science
Mireyda Juarez
Spanish Teacher
Amanda Kurjak
Health Teacher
Harry Kuskin
Assistant Football Coach
Victoria Lauzon
Campus Supervisor
Eric Leick
Head Boys Golf Coach
Brittney Luna
Counselor (Mao-Re)
Jeffrey Lund
P-TECH and Business Instructor/ DECA Advisor/ Assistant Softball Coach
Joe Lundstrom
Head Boys Basketball Coach/ Student Engagement Specialist
Joshua Main
Araceli Martinez
Kitchen Manager
Fiorella Martinez
Student Engagement Specialist/EARSS
Monica Martinez
Attendance Clerk
Hunter Mayhew
Science Teacher
Caitlin McGinn
Social Studies Teacher
Melissa McGlasson
Social Studies
Jennifer McLees
Art Teacher/ VPA- Visual Arts Coordinator
Justice Moctezuma
Night Custodian
Addisyn Mullen
Counselor (A-E)
Kim Murphy
Head Custodian
Ashleigh Navarro
Head Cheer Coach
Naeem Nickens
Night Custodian
Colleen O'Munneke
PE Teacher
Andrew Parliment
Science Teacher
Cristina Perez
Office Clerk
Dana Pinson
Assistant Wrestling Coach
Stephanie Ponce
Science Teacher
Kevin Ratzlaff
Head Volleyball Coach
Joshua Redlinger
PE Teacher
Megyn Reedy
Campus Supervisor
Deborah Reuter
Assistant Volleyball Coach
Amy Riddoch
Yoga / English Language Arts
Dan Rilling
ELL Teacher
Samantha Robinson
English Language Arts
Janette Rodriguez
ELL Teacher
Daisy Rodriguez Delgado
Rosalinda (Rosie) Rojas
Spanish Teacher
Jesse Salazar
Head JV Football Coach
Corey Sample
Assistant Football Coach
Andrew Sandoval
Assistant Wrestling Coach
Francisco Sandoval
Social Studies Teacher
Jeanette Schahrer
Kimberly Scheddel
JV Volleyball Coach
Travis Schlagel
PE Teacher / Head Baseball Coach
Andrew Scott
Mathematics / Assistant Girls Swim & Dive Coach / Head Ultimate Disc Coach
Jennifer Sebring
Teacher Librarian/ Yearbook Advisor/ LTP Site Coordinator
William Singel
Adriana Solc
Office Manager/Principal's Secretary
Megan Lauren Sorey
David Speckl
Head Wrestling Coach
Megan States
Head Dance/Poms Coach
Greg Stephens
Assistant Principal (A-E)
LaVonne Stewart
Registrar/Counseling Secretary
Brian Strock
Assistant Football Coach
Katie Strock
Social Studies Teacher
Brianne Stromquist
Assistant Volleyball Coach
Kevin Toeneboehn
Nyas Tolbert
Boys Basketball JV Coach
Michelle Urbina
Social Studies / Head Girls Swim & Dive Coach / Head Boys Swim & Dive Coach
Aurelia Varela
Nutrition Services
Angela Vasquez
Social Studies Teacher
Maria Teresa Vazquez Escalante
Special Education Teacher
Talon Veile
Kendra Versoi
Math Teacher
Kenneth Versoi
Math Teacher
Justin Vogt
P.E. Teacher / Head Football Coach
Justin Warren
Art Teacher/ VPA- Visual Arts
Rachel Wicker
Math Teacher
Susana Wittrock
Assistant Principal (Mao-Re) / Falcon-Tech Administrator
Lindsay Yost
Assistant Principal / Athletics & Activities Director
Theresa Zakavec