Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) is a new type of school that brings together the best elements of high school, college and the professional world.

Starting in 2016 at Skyline High School, working with Front Range Community College (FRCC), St. Vrain Valley Schools will offer students the opportunity to graduate with a high school diploma and Associates of Applied Science degree in Computer Information Systems (CIS) degree in 4-6 years. Students can receive dual credit from St. Vrain and FRCC. Along with college courses, students will receive mentorships and internships through IBM, District Technology Services (DTS), Advanced Network Management (ANM) to provide real-world experiences to supplement their academic coursework. Students must apply for the P-TECH program and will begin coursework in the 9th grade. There are 35 spots available in the P-TECH program at Skyline High School for incoming 9th graders.

Preparing Students for 21st Century Careers

SVVSD, FRCC, IBM, DTS, ANM, and CGI will collaborate to align the curriculum with the skills required for entry-level technical jobs and identify pathways to completing a four-year degree at Colorado colleges.

  • Skyline High’s P-TECH will focus on a computer information systems, providing a foundation for careers in the computer science and technical fields.
  • P-TECH students will be allowed to matriculate through the 14th grade.
  • Students in P-TECH will graduate with a high school diploma and an associate degree from Front Range Community College.
  • P-TECH students will also receive mentorship and internship opportunities with our partner companies listed above.
  • Download a flyer in English or Spanish
  • Students who are interested in applying to P-TECH for the school year, please fill out THIS APPLICATION.
  • Teacher Reference Form

FalconTECH Administrator & FalconTECH Counselor

Skyline High School