Counseling Overview


Guidance and counseling services are provided for the purpose of assisting students with their educational, vocational, personal-social adjustments, and progress. This service is an integral part of the total school program. Specific areas addressed are crisis intervention, counseling (helping students consider alternatives, make decisions and solve problms), and guidance activities such as test interpretation, scheduling, orientation, college and career information. Examples of situations where a counselor might be involved with students include:

  • When a student has some important decisions to make and needs to know more about alternatives and possible consequences.
  • When a student wants some help in solving a problem with a teacher or a parent.
  • When a student wants assistance finding out about his/her standing in a class.
  • When a student would like to know more about careers.
  • When a student is concerned about drugs, alcohol, and related issues.
  • When a student thinks he/she may need help or coordination by outside agencies, such as Social Services.
  • When a student would like to be in a career workshop or counseling group.
  • When a student’s parents want to be constructively involved (having a conference with a counselor and/or teachers).
  • When a student has personal concerns or is having trouble making a decision.
  • When a student wants to review his/her records and see how he/she is doing.
Skyline High School