Tutor Peer

ELL (English Language Learners) - The purpose of this program is to support ELL students in their core classes who are currently learning English. Tutors will be placed into core classes to help clarify assignments for Newcomer students. Tutors should collaborate with classroom teachers to determine the best approach to tutoring for each class. Upon successful completion of the semester, peer tutors will receive .5 credit. The goal of this program is to provide support to ELL students, as well as teachers. 

Special Education - The purpose of this program is to support students with special needs in their classes. Tutors will be placed into core/elective classes to help motivate and support students. The peer tutor will understand the importance of developing a supportive and trusting relationship with a student receiving special education services while ensuring inclusion in the classroom both academically and socially.

Tutor Peer Application

Course Information

Course Subject
Course Number
Course Duration
1 Semester
Course Credit
.5 Electives
Course Fee
Application Process
Skyline High School