Student Council

This course promotes the development of leadership and character building. The students determine class activities as well as design, organize, and conduct a variety of activities. Activities may include team building, leadership lessons, school service projects, charity drives, homecoming events, school dances, pep rallies, and other student activities. Class responsibilities include commitment outside of school hours to set up for events and take down after events. Students in the Student Council need to be hardworking in and out of the classroom. They also need to demonstrate leadership, initiative, productivity, positive attitudes, and have the ability to work cooperatively with others. They must demonstrate Falcon Spirit and Pride in all they do at Skyline High School.

Course Information

Course Subject
Course Number
MS1172A & MS1172B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1.0 Electives
Course Fee
Application Process
Skyline High School