AP Art History (Agile)

The AP Art History course is equivalent to a two-semester college survey course exploring the nature of art, art making, and responses to art. By investigating the specific course content of 250 works of art characterized by diverse artistic traditions from prehistory to the present, students develop an in-depth, holistic understanding of the history of art from a global perspective. Students become active participants in the global art world, engaging with its forms and content. They experience research, discuss, read, and write about art, artists, art making, responses to, and interpretations of art. While you will earn a fine art elective credit for this class, this is an Art History class. This is not a traditional art class the ability to draw/paint is not a requirement to be successful.

Course Information

Course Subject
Course Number
A5310A & A5310B
Course Duration
2 Semesters
Course Credit
1.0 Fine Arts
Course Fee
AP Exam Fee Required
Skyline High School